Prediction-Realization Diagram

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Prediction-Realization Diagram

Unread post by ac_1 »

Hi Tom,

A request: can we have a procedure for Henri Theil's Prediction-Realization Diagram to identify change/turning points?

There's also an extension from Jarrell & Stanley(1992) A note on diagrams for turning-point diagnostics, Journal for Forecasting, 11(4), 325-330

many thanks,
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Re: Prediction-Realization Diagram

Unread post by ac_1 »

Hi Tom,

Maybe have the diagram as part of the @UForeErrors procedure.

Also, it would be good to have a 45-degrees line and a percentage in each quadrant.

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Re: Prediction-Realization Diagram

Unread post by TomDoan »

The LINES option does straight lines in scatter plots. GRTEXT can put whatever text you want into a scatter plot.
Posts: 380
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Re: Prediction-Realization Diagram

Unread post by ac_1 »

Hi Tom,

Further to the above there is:
FILIZ et al (2021) Sticky Stock Market Analysts, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2021, 14, 593, pp.1-27. ... 593-v2.pdf

and in:
ELTON GRUBER BROWN GOETZMANN (2014) Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Management, 9th Edn, chapter 27, p.703-p.711.

Here's code to generate a prediction-realization diagram:

Code: Select all

set(first=-3.0) xx 1954:07 2004:07 = xx{1}+0.01; * 45-degree-line, xx==yy line
prin / xx
set yy 1954:07 2004:07 = xx; * 45-degree-line, xx==yy line

         header="Prediction Realization Diagram\\Dynamic multi-12-step ahead forecasts 2020:05 2021:04",$
         hlabel="Forecast Change\\(y-axis)",hscale=both,$
         vlabel="Actual Change\\(x-axis)",vscale=both,$
         hmax=+3.0,hmin=-3.0,vmax=+3.0,vmin=-3.0) 2
# Dr yhat_D_dyfa end-11 end 20
# xx yy 1954:07 2004:07 2

grtext(x=+3.0,y=+3.0,size=30,align=right) "Line of Perfect\\Forecasts"

grtext(x=+0.01,y=+2.15,align=left) "QUADRANT 1-O\\Actual Positive Change\\is OverEstimated\\[CORRECT SIGN]"
grtext(x=+2.98,y=+0.10,align=right) "QUADRANT 1-U\\Actual Positive Change\\is UnderEstimated\\[CORRECT SIGN]"
grtext(x=-2.98,y=+2.15,align=left) "QUADRANT 2\\Forecast Positive Change\\Actual Negative Change\\[WRONG SIGN, TURNING POINT]"
grtext(x=-0.01,y=-2.80,align=right) "QUADRANT 3-O\\Actual Negative Change\\is OverEstimated\\[CORRECT SIGN]"
grtext(x=-2.99,y=-0.90,align=left) "QUADRANT 3-U\\Actual Negative Change\\is UnderEstimated\\[CORRECT SIGN]"
grtext(x=+2.99,y=-2.80,align=right) "QUADRANT 4\\Forecast Negative Change\\Actual Positive Change\\[WRONG SIGN, TURNING POINT]"
The problem's are:
- it is 'hard-coded'
- the 45 degrees-line is as a long series of points
- I am not sure how to use the LINES option?
- I can only plot the 45 degrees-line in a square diagram.

Is there a way to automate the process given the differences in the actual 'Dr' and the differences between actual and forecasts 'yhat_D_dyfa'?

Ideally I'd like a procedure :!:

Interestingly, on a square prediction-realization diagram, while the differences between successive actual values (the Dr series) can vary naturally as per series i.e. points dotted all the way from left-to-right horizontally, the differences between successive actual and forecasts (the yhat_D_dyfa series) can be clustered around zero vertically, i.e. there's consistent differences, regardless of the levels, between successive forecasts and actuals; both for dynamic (anchored from h-steps back) and static (both the difference series being from 1-step back) forecasts. Thus there's a 'horizontal-line' of points all the way from left-to-right on the scatter-graph. The only reason I can think of why this may be is that forecasts are conditional expectations, and as such the difference between the actuals and forecasts represent an average or consistent expectation. Correct :?:

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