how to specify vector of formula for C matrix

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Moderator: TomDoan

Posts: 218
Joined: Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:49 pm

how to specify vector of formula for C matrix

Unread post by hardmann »

Dear Tom:

In state space model, we have 6 states and two measurement equation, so our C' matrix is [2*6]. If we must use formulas to express C. How to deal with them?
we try as follows, but both fail.

dec frml[vect] cf1
dec frml[vect] cf2



dec frml cf
dec frml[vect] cf1
dec frml[vect] cf2
frml cf = ||cf1|cf2||


Pls help me.

Best Regard
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Re: how to specify vector of formula for C matrix

Unread post by TomDoan »

Use c=cf1~cf2
Posts: 218
Joined: Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:49 pm

Re: how to specify vector of formula for C matrix

Unread post by hardmann »

Dear Tom:

Thanks. After adjusting repeatedly, It does really work.

Best regard
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