a question about @disaggregate

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a question about @disaggregate

Unread post by hardmann »

Dear Tom:

I understand a instruction in model 2, 'Log linear model', in @disaggregate procudure as follows.

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frml cf     = lc=lcf,cv=%zeros(ndlm,1),%do(i,1,factor,%(cv(i)=mx(i)=lc(i)*exp(xstate0(t)(i)))),cv
Howerver, I do not know why do it as such way. It feels like forcing a few instructions into one instruction. Is a instruction mandatory and can it be expanded into multiple instruction.
Pls Tom explain it in detail.

Best Regard
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Re: a question about @disaggregate

Unread post by TomDoan »

The only alternative would be to write a FUNCTION of T which returns a VECTOR and make FRML CF reference that. But it's a FRML which depends upon T, both because of the obvious (reference to XSTATE0(T)), but also because LCF itself is a FRML. The linearized state-space model is complicated.
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