ARGARCHSIM.RPF simulates a univariate AR(1) with GARCH errors. A similar example in a multivariate setting is VARGARCHSIMULATE.RPF.
The model takes the form:
\(\begin{array}{l}{y_t} = \rho {y_{t - 1}} + {u_t} \\ {u_t} \sim N\left( {0,{h_t}} \right) \\ {h_t} = c + b{h_{t - 1}} + au_{t - 1}^2 \\\end{array}\)
These set the specific values used in the example:
compute cg=0.5
compute ag=.19
compute bg=.80
compute rho=.8
The GARCH part of the model is generated first. This uses U to hold the series of generated residuals, UU the squared residuals, and H the variances. The SET instruction does these sequentially by first computing H (which depends only upon the previous period's information), then U is randomized from the standard deviation derived from H, then UU is computed from U for use in the next period. UU and H are both initialized to the ergodic (stationary) variance of the GARCH process.
set uu = cg/(1-ag-bg)
set h = uu
set u = 0.0
set uu 2 nobs = h=cg+bg*h{1}+ag*uu{1},u=%ran(sqrt(h)),uu=u^2
The GARCH errors (U) are then used as the shocks in generating Y recursively. Y starts with a lag of zero, so the SET instruction runs from 2 on.
clear(zeros) y
set y 2 nobs = rho*y{1}+u
Note that the results will depend upon random numbers and so will be different if you run it.
Full Program
* GARCH parameters
compute cg=0.5
compute ag=.19
compute bg=.80
* AR parameter
compute rho=.8
compute nobs=1000
all nobs
* Initialize to the ergodic variance
set uu = cg/(1-ag-bg)
set h = uu
set u = 0.0
set uu 2 nobs = h=cg+bg*h{1}+ag*uu{1},u=%ran(sqrt(h)),uu=u^2
* Use GARCH residuals (u) as input to AR
clear(zeros) y
set y 2 nobs = rho*y{1}+u
graph(footer="Simulation of AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) model")
# y
garch(reg) / y
# constant y{1}
These are the estimates of the GARCH model using the simulated data.
GARCH Model - Estimation by BFGS
Convergence in 28 Iterations. Final criterion was 0.0000016 <= 0.0000100
Dependent Variable Y
Usable Observations 999
Log Likelihood -2921.6699
Variable Coeff Std Error T-Stat Signif
1. Constant 0.1099163390 0.1119799663 0.98157 0.32631101
2. Y{1} 0.7989267149 0.0205495994 38.87797 0.00000000
3. C 0.2969545192 0.1224133653 2.42583 0.01527325
4. A 0.1629395693 0.0240381351 6.77838 0.00000000
5. B 0.8346786490 0.0207757113 40.17570 0.00000000
Copyright © 2024 Thomas A. Doan