DEBUG Instruction |
DEBUG( options )
DEBUG offers options that can be useful in writing and debugging RATS procedures. Other options are used for developing and debugging the RATS software itself.
Options (For Users)
Good programming practice dictates that variables defined in procedures and user-defined functions generally should be defined as being “local” variables in that procedure, rather than as global variables. This is done to avoid conflicts with global variable names used in the main program. The SYMBOLS option helps identify variables in procedures and user-defined functions that are defined as global, rather than local, variables.
Execute the DEBUG(SYMBOL) instruction first, and then execute the commands that define your procedure or function. For procedures stored on separate files, you can use the SOURCE instruction to read them in.
RATS will display a list of any global variables found in the procedure or function. You can use LOCAL instructions in the procedure or function to define these as local variables instead. It will also show any local variables that weren't actually used.
Displays a list of all variables, procedures, and functions currently in use. This includes both user-defined variables, and reserved variable and function names.
Options (RATS Development)
These are used internally by Estima for developing and testing the software.
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