RATS 10.1
RATS 10.1

Procedures /

GNEWBOLD Procedure

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@GNEWBOLD does the Granger-Newbold forecast comparison tests. @DMARIANO is a similar procedure for doing the Diebold-Mariano test.

@GNewbold( options )   actual f1 f2 start end



series of actual data


first set of forecasts


second set of forecasts

start, end

range to analyze (common range of f1, f2 and actual by default)


TITLE=title for report ["Granger-Newbold Forecast Comparison Test"]


Variables Defined


Test statistic for f1=f2 vs f2 better than f1. Flipping the sign gives the test statistic for f2=f1 vs f1 better than f2.

Sample Output

The P values will (by construction) always add up to one. A small P value indicates that the forecast on the line will be rejected in favor of the other.


Granger-Newbold Forecast Comparison Test

Forecasts of SPREAD over 1995:04 to 2008:01

    Forecast     Test Stat P(GN>x)

FORECAST_AR7        0.8260 0.20642

FORECAST_AR2MA17   -0.8260 0.79358


Copyright © 2025 Thomas A. Doan