Examples / PROBIT.RPF |
PROBIT.RPF is an example of estimation of probit and logit models. It is adapted from exercise 11.7 in Pindyck and Rubinfeld (1998).
The dependent variable is YESVM, which is how the person voted on a public school bond issue. The explanatory variables are dummies for whether the individual has children in public schools (PUBLIC1_2 is 1 or 2; PUBLIC3_4 is 3 or 4, PUBLIC_5 is 5 or more), has children in private school (PRIVATE). Other variables are YEARS (years in the community), TEACHER (person is a teacher), LOGINC and LOGPROPTAX (log of household income and log of property tax).
This estimates a linear probability model, logit and probit:
linreg(title="Linear Probability Model") yesvm
# constant public1_2 public3_4 public5 private years teacher loginc logproptax
ddv(dist=logit) yesvm
# constant public1_2 public3_4 public5 private years teacher loginc logproptax
ddv(dist=probit) yesvm
# constant public1_2 public3_4 public5 private years teacher loginc logproptax
This tests the significance of the “Children in School” dummies using both a Wald test (by EXCLUDE) and likelihood ratio.
exclude(title="Wald Test of Children in School Dummies")
# public1_2 public3_4 public5 private
To do the likelihood ratio test, we need the unrestricted and restricted models. We already have the unrestricted model.
compute logunres = %logl
ddv(dist=probit) yesvm
# constant years teacher loginc logproptax
compute logres=%logl
compute lratio=2*(logunres-logres)
cdf(title="LR Test for Children in School Dummies") chisqr lratio 4
Full Program
open data probit.dat
data(org=obs) 1 95 public1_2 public3_4 public5 private $
years teacher loginc logproptax yesvm
* Linear probability model
linreg yesvm
# constant public1_2 public3_4 public5 private years teacher loginc logproptax
ddv(dist=logit) yesvm
# constant public1_2 public3_4 public5 private years teacher loginc logproptax
ddv(dist=probit) yesvm
# constant public1_2 public3_4 public5 private years teacher loginc logproptax
* Test whether "Children in School" dummies are significant.
* Use "Wald" test first.
exclude(title="Wald Test of Children in School Dummies")
# public1_2 public3_4 public5 private
* Likelihood ratio test. We already have the unrestricted model.
compute logunres = %logl
ddv(dist=probit) yesvm
# constant years teacher loginc logproptax
compute logres=%logl
compute lratio=2*(logunres-logres)
cdf(title="LR Test for Children in School Dummies") chisqr lratio 4
Linear Regression - Estimation by Linear Probability Model
Dependent Variable YESVM
Usable Observations 95
Degrees of Freedom 86
Centered R^2 0.2121226
R-Bar^2 0.1388317
Uncentered R^2 0.7097294
Mean of Dependent Variable 0.6315789474
Std Error of Dependent Variable 0.4849354328
Standard Error of Estimate 0.4500159746
Sum of Squared Residuals 17.416236459
Regression F(8,86) 2.8943
Significance Level of F 0.0066400
Log Likelihood -54.2166
Durbin-Watson Statistic 1.9076
Variable Coeff Std Error T-Stat Signif
1. Constant -0.601793045 1.443449504 -0.41691 0.67778079
2. PUBLIC1_2 0.069730975 0.143338772 0.48648 0.62786665
3. PUBLIC3_4 0.221482770 0.157009294 1.41063 0.16195934
4. PUBLIC5 0.116358585 0.256623843 0.45342 0.65138781
5. PRIVATE -0.200486440 0.163067040 -1.22947 0.22224784
6. YEARS 0.000532853 0.005316808 0.10022 0.92040257
7. TEACHER 0.282277689 0.154075166 1.83208 0.07040135
8. LOGINC 0.456984047 0.136871435 3.33878 0.00124538
9. LOGPROPTAX -0.496719240 0.178449012 -2.78354 0.00661003
Binary Logit - Estimation by Newton-Raphson
Convergence in 7 Iterations. Final criterion was 0.0000000 <= 0.0000100
Dependent Variable YESVM
Usable Observations 95
Degrees of Freedom 86
Log Likelihood -50.0475
Average Likelihood 0.5904819
Pseudo-R^2 0.2538925
Log Likelihood(Base) -62.5204
LR Test of Coefficients(8) 24.9458
Significance Level of LR 0.0015878
Variable Coeff Std Error T-Stat Signif
1. Constant -5.931602054 7.949600050 -0.74615 0.45557620
2. PUBLIC1_2 0.429550873 0.708682675 0.60613 0.54443120
3. PUBLIC3_4 1.259690718 0.810540634 1.55414 0.12015188
4. PUBLIC5 0.526515046 1.311985351 0.40131 0.68819066
5. PRIVATE -1.023695450 0.809889024 -1.26399 0.20623192
6. YEARS 0.004268555 0.028257944 0.15106 0.87993090
7. TEACHER 2.861628455 1.725378089 1.65855 0.09720620
8. LOGINC 2.885670388 0.890998040 3.23869 0.00120078
9. LOGPROPTAX -3.298074357 1.246260255 -2.64638 0.00813591
Binary Probit - Estimation by Newton-Raphson
Convergence in 6 Iterations. Final criterion was 0.0000081 <= 0.0000100
Dependent Variable YESVM
Usable Observations 95
Degrees of Freedom 86
Log Likelihood -49.8523
Average Likelihood 0.5916966
Pseudo-R^2 0.2577210
Log Likelihood(Base) -62.5204
LR Test of Coefficients(8) 25.3363
Significance Level of LR 0.0013631
Variable Coeff Std Error T-Stat Signif
1. Constant -3.541348266 4.682990221 -0.75622 0.44952020
2. PUBLIC1_2 0.274909168 0.437072132 0.62898 0.52936284
3. PUBLIC3_4 0.774834354 0.489462462 1.58303 0.11341435
4. PUBLIC5 0.322397549 0.795262289 0.40540 0.68518516
5. PRIVATE -0.599412191 0.478639801 -1.25232 0.21045177
6. YEARS 0.002428853 0.017017002 0.14273 0.88650269
7. TEACHER 1.680510627 0.972635994 1.72779 0.08402590
8. LOGINC 1.738724221 0.519018741 3.35002 0.00080805
9. LOGPROPTAX -1.993735567 0.720354248 -2.76772 0.00564507
Wald Test of Children in School Dummies
Null Hypothesis : The Following Coefficients Are Zero
Chi-Squared(4)= 5.643749 or F(4,*)= 1.41094 with Significance Level 0.22737982
Binary Probit - Estimation by Newton-Raphson
Convergence in 6 Iterations. Final criterion was 0.0000037 <= 0.0000100
Dependent Variable YESVM
Usable Observations 95
Degrees of Freedom 90
Log Likelihood -52.8782
Average Likelihood 0.5731475
Pseudo-R^2 0.1978593
Log Likelihood(Base) -62.5204
LR Test of Coefficients(4) 19.2846
Significance Level of LR 0.0006909
Variable Coeff Std Error T-Stat Signif
1. Constant -3.975886139 4.388883110 -0.90590 0.36498915
2. YEARS 0.004813029 0.016140428 0.29820 0.76555275
3. TEACHER 1.905893043 0.950182799 2.00582 0.04487575
4. LOGINC 1.572458289 0.480841769 3.27022 0.00107464
5. LOGPROPTAX -1.655119742 0.652190417 -2.53779 0.01115562
LR Test for Children in School Dummies
Chi-Squared(4)= 6.051680 with Significance Level 0.19532186
Copyright © 2025 Thomas A. Doan