RATS 10.1
RATS 10.1

ROBUST.RPF is an example of robust estimation of a linear model. It is adapted from Greene(2012), Example 7.9.


This first estimates a regression (a production function of log output on log capital and log labor input) by least squares, computes the standardized (more precisely the internally studentized—PRJ with the XVX option is used for adjusting the variance of in-sample fitted values) residuals and reruns the regression dropping from the sample any data point where the standardized residual is greater than 2.5 in absolute value (which ends up removing two observations).


linreg logy / resids

# constant logk logl


set stdresids = resids/sqrt(%seesq*(1-px))


linreg(smpl=abs(stdresids)<=2.5) logy

# constant logk logl


The second estimator is to use RREG to do Least Absolute Deviations (LAD), which is the default for RREG.


rreg logy

# constant logk logl


which here gives results quite similar to the outlier-adjusted LINREG, though with somewhat higher standard errors.


Some alternative robust estimators can be generated which have behavior in the tails similar to LAD, but near zero are more like least squares. For instance, the following objective function:

\begin{equation} \sum\limits_t {\frac{{u_t^2 }}{{(c^2 + u_t^2 )^{1/2} }}} \end{equation}

will look like the absolute value in the tails, when \(u\) is much larger than the constant \(c\), but will look like the square when \(c\) is larger than \(u\) and thus the constant dominates the denominator. By keeping the minimand differentiable, this can be estimated more simply: either by iterated weighted least squares (IWLS) or by a standard nonlinear estimation routine.


IWLS starts with the least squares estimator, then computes the denominator given the least squares residuals. This is used as the SPREAD option in a LINREG. Because LINREG with SPREAD produces unweighted residuals (that is, uses the original data and regressors, not weighted ones), the spread series can be recomputed with the adjusted estimates, and this can be repeated until convergence (measured with the %TESTDIFF function applied to the new estimates compared with the previous ones). To simplify the programming, the least squares estimates are actually done using a SPREAD series which is constant at 1.0.


The C value needs to be something on the order of the standard deviation to give the right behavior. (Too small and you basically get LAD; too large and you effectively get least squares). So this chooses it as the standard error of the least squares regression.


compute c = sqrt(%seesq)
dec vector beta0
* Start with least squares (spread = constant). Do 10 iterations or until
* convergence.
set spread = 1.0
do iters=1,10
   compute beta0=%beta
   set spread = sqrt(c^2+resids^2)
   linreg(noprint,spread=spread) logy / resids
   # constant logk logl
   if %testdiff(beta0,%beta)<.0001
end do iters
?"Iterations Taken" iters

The corrected covariance matrix is obtained by noting that the IWLS estimator has a first order condition of

\begin{equation} \sum {X_t } \frac{{u_t }}{{\sqrt {c^2 + u_t^2 } }} = 0 \end{equation}

The \({f'}\) of the \(f(u)\) function in that can be verified to be

\begin{equation} \frac{{c^2 }}{{\left( {c^2 + u_t^2 } \right)^{3/2} }} \end{equation}

 So the covariance matrix is computed and the revised regression displayed with:


set f      = resids/spread

set fprime = c^2/spread^3

mcov(matrix=b,lastreg) / f

mcov(matrix=a,lastreg,nosquare) / fprime


   title="Iterated Weighted Least Squares")


In this case, all four estimators (least squared, trimmed least squares, LAD and M) give fairly similar point estimates and generally very similar standard errors, other than trimmed least squares. 

Full Program


open data zellner.prn
data(format=prn,org=columns) 1 25 valueadd capital labor nfirm
set logy = log(valueadd)
set logk = log(capital)
set logl = log(labor)
* Compute linear regression, and the standardized residuals.
linreg logy / resids
# constant logk logl
set stdresids = resids/sqrt(%seesq*(1-px))
* Rerun the regression, omitting the outliers (defined here as
* observations with standardized residuals greater than 2.5 in absolute
* value.
linreg(smpl=abs(stdresids)<=2.5) logy
# constant logk logl
* Now do LAD estimator.
rreg logy
# constant logk logl
* Iterated WLS M-estimator
compute c = sqrt(%seesq)
dec vector beta0
* Start with least squares (spread = constant). Do 10 iterations or until
* convergence.
set spread = 1.0
do iters=1,10
   compute beta0=%beta
   set spread = sqrt(c^2+resids^2)
   linreg(noprint,spread=spread) logy / resids
   # constant logk logl
   if %testdiff(beta0,%beta)<.0001
end do iters
?"Iterations Taken" iters
* Compute the sandwich estimator for the covariance matrix.
set f      = resids/spread
set fprime = c^2/spread^3
mcov(matrix=b,lastreg) / f
mcov(matrix=a,lastreg,nosquare) / fprime
   title="Iterated Weighted Least Squares")



Linear Regression - Estimation by Least Squares

Dependent Variable LOGY

Usable Observations                        25

Degrees of Freedom                         22

Centered R^2                        0.9730750

R-Bar^2                             0.9706273

Uncentered R^2                      0.9986265

Mean of Dependent Variable       5.8120922044

Std Error of Dependent Variable  1.3753035142

Standard Error of Estimate       0.2357058986

Sum of Squared Residuals         1.2222599535

Regression F(2,22)                   397.5427

Significance Level of F             0.0000000

Log Likelihood                         2.2537

Durbin-Watson Statistic                1.9575


    Variable                        Coeff      Std Error      T-Stat      Signif


1.  Constant                     1.8444157136 0.2335928490      7.89586  0.00000007

2.  LOGK                         0.2454280713 0.1068574320      2.29678  0.03152246

3.  LOGL                         0.8051829551 0.1263336077      6.37347  0.00000206

Linear Regression - Estimation by Least Squares

Dependent Variable LOGY

Usable Observations                        23

Degrees of Freedom                         20

Skipped/Missing (from 25)                   2

Centered R^2                        0.9888884

R-Bar^2                             0.9877772

Uncentered R^2                      0.9994653

Mean of Dependent Variable       5.9323384337

Std Error of Dependent Variable  1.3638215667

Standard Error of Estimate       0.1507796992

Sum of Squared Residuals         0.4546903536

Regression F(2,20)                   889.9576

Significance Level of F             0.0000000

Log Likelihood                        12.4862

Durbin-Watson Statistic                1.8668


    Variable                        Coeff      Std Error      T-Stat      Signif


1.  Constant                     1.7642052396 0.1637986013     10.77058  0.00000000

2.  LOGK                         0.2094788550 0.0700712951      2.98951  0.00724489

3.  LOGL                         0.8519478678 0.0847732478     10.04973  0.00000000

Linear Model - Estimation by Least Absolute Deviations

Convergence in     4 Iterations. Final criterion was -0.0195988 <=  0.0000000

Dependent Variable LOGY

Usable Observations                           25

Degrees of Freedom                            22

Function Value                        3.92268583

Durbin-Watson Statistic                   1.9396


    Variable                          Coeff       Std Error      T-Stat      Signif


1.  Constant                        1.8064184130 0.2353437723      7.67566  0.00000012

2.  LOGK                            0.2048726092 0.1076583948      1.90299  0.07020985

3.  LOGL                            0.8494661424 0.1272805564      6.67397  0.00000104

Iterations Taken 7


Linear Regression - Estimation by Iterated Weighted Least Squares

Dependent Variable LOGY

Usable Observations                        25

Degrees of Freedom                         22

Mean of Dependent Variable       5.8120922044

Std Error of Dependent Variable  1.3753035142

Standard Error of Estimate       0.2359127900

Sum of Squared Residuals         1.2244065787

Durbin-Watson Statistic                1.9410


    Variable                        Coeff      Std Error      T-Stat      Signif


1.  Constant                     1.8059654814 0.2226559755      8.11101  0.00000000

2.  LOGK                         0.2299975476 0.0999027810      2.30221  0.02132313

3.  LOGL                         0.8269030465 0.1229271312      6.72677  0.00000000


Copyright © 2025 Thomas A. Doan