ECT Instruction |
ECT list of equations (describing the error correction terms)
ECT is a subcommand of SYSTEM used to add error correction term(s) to a vector autoregression, converting the system into a VECM. These are input using equations, one per needed term.
The Time Series—VAR (Setup/Estimate) Wizard includes support for defining and estimating error-correction models.
list of equations |
lists equations describing the "stationary" relationships among variables in the VAR model. You can use a VECTOR of equations if you might need to vary the number. The equations can also include exogenous variables (such as CONSTANT or a trend) if desired. |
Form of the Equations
The equations listed can either have one of the endogenous variables of the VAR as the dependent variable, or it can have a constructed variable (or no dependent variable at all), in which case the explanatory part of the equation shows the stationary relationship. For example,
equation ecteq y1
# y2 y3
variables y1 y2 y3
lags 1 2 3 4
ect ecteq
uses the first form. The cointegrating relationship in this case will be \({\beta _2}{y_2} + {\beta _3}{y_3} - {y_1}\) where the \(\beta\) are coefficients from the preliminary LINREG. Note how the equation is renormalized to have a –1 coefficient on the dependent variable.
Suppose that, instead, a RECTANGULAR matrix B has been estimated which lists the cointegrating vectors. The example below creates a VECTOR of EQUATIONS to hold the equations. In this case, the dependent variables of the equations are ignored in forming the stationary conditions.
dec vect[equations] ecteqs(r)
do i=1,r
equation(coeffs=%xrow(b,i)) ecteqs(i)
# y1 y2 y3
end do i
variables y1 y2 y3
lags 1 2 3 4
ect ecteqs
See ECT.RPF for examples of the use of ECT for a single and for two cointegrating vectors.
The following excerpt is taken from the example program KPSW5.RPF, which reproduces Table 5 from King, Plosser, Stock and Watson (1991). You can find the program file in the "Paper Results/KPSW AER 1991" subdirectory. This is a six variable VAR with three cointegrating relations.
The coefficients (BETAY, etc.) in the error correction equations have already been estimated using a separate process.
equation(coeffs=||-betay,0.0,0.0,1.0,-betar,0.0||) mdemand
# y c in mp r dp
equation(coeffs=||-1.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,-phi1,phi1||) cratio
# y c in mp r dp
equation(coeffs=||-1.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,-phi2,phi2||) iratio
# y c in mp r dp
variables y c in mp r dp
lags 1 to 9
det constant
ect mdemand cratio iratio
estimate(noprint) 1954:1 *
This excerpt estimates a first-stage cointegrating relation, then constructs and estimates a VECM.
linreg(define=cointeq) aus
# usa
variables aus usa
lags 1 2
det constant
ect cointeq
Sample Output
ECT itself produces no output. This shows how the output from the VAR is altered when you use an ECT term. (From the second example). Note that the explanatory variables shown are listed in differenced form with one fewer lag than listed on the LAGS. The loadings on the error correction term are shown in the coefficients for the EC1{1} term. (If you have more than one error correction term, they will be labeled as EC1, EC2, ...).
VAR/System - Estimation by Cointegrated Least Squares
Quarterly Data From 1970:03 To 2000:04
Usable Observations 122
Dependent Variable AUS
Mean of Dependent Variable 0.4993901639
Std Error of Dependent Variable 0.6522035928
Standard Error of Estimate 0.6243302485
Sum of Squared Residuals 45.995014591
Durbin-Watson Statistic 2.0773
Variable Coeff Std Error T-Stat Signif
1. D_AUS{1} 0.0403397064 0.1032347207 0.39076 0.69668133
2. D_USA{1} 0.3125731910 0.1262474970 2.47588 0.01470988
3. Constant 0.3127120679 0.0824498314 3.79276 0.00023645
4. EC1{1} 0.0886382527 0.0480838335 1.84341 0.06777834
Dependent Variable USA
Mean of Dependent Variable 0.5110459016
Std Error of Dependent Variable 0.5163721843
Standard Error of Estimate 0.4938444163
Sum of Squared Residuals 28.778112282
Durbin-Watson Statistic 2.1387
Variable Coeff Std Error T-Stat Signif
1. D_AUS{1} 0.041457402 0.081658530 0.50769 0.61261684
2. D_USA{1} 0.292991740 0.099861606 2.93398 0.00402214
3. Constant 0.344654008 0.065217710 5.28467 0.00000058
4. EC1{1} -0.041035755 0.038034250 -1.07892 0.28282573
Copyright © 2025 Thomas A. Doan