GARCHGIBBS.RPF is an example of Metropolis-Hastings for a univariate GARCH model, estimating the same GARCH model used in the GARCHIMPORT.RPF example. This blocks the parameters into the mean AR(1) parameters and the GARCH parameters. To illustrate both methods, the AR(1) parameters are handled with a fixed proposal and the GARCH are done by Random Walk Metropolis.
Estimate a linear regression to get its residual variance for use as the pre-sample value for the GARCH models.
linreg ftbs3
# constant ftbs3{1}
compute h0 = %sigmasq
Now, estimate the GARCH:
garch(p=1,q=1,reg,presample=h0,hseries=h) / ftbs3
# constant ftbs3{1}
Pull out the regression coefficients (1 and 2). This forms block one of the Metropolis/Gibbs. Get a decomp of its submatrix of the covariance matrix for use in the proposal density. Do a draw from this to initialize the Gibbs sampler and save the log kernel of the density at the draw. (GX will be used throughout to save the density at the current value of the draw for the regression coefficients).
compute xbeta0 = %xsubvec(%beta,1,2)
compute fbeta = %decomp(%xsubmat(%xx,1,2,1,2))
compute xbeta = xbeta0 + %ranmvnormal(fbeta)
compute gx = %ranlogkernel()
Pull out the GARCH coefficients (3,4 and 5). This forms block two. Again, get the decomp of its covariance matrix. Because these are being done by Random Walk Metropolis, we don’t need the proposal densities.
compute fgarch = %decomp(%xsubmat(%xx,3,5,3,5))
compute xgarch = %xsubvec(%beta,3,5)
This sets the control parameters for the Gibbs sampler:
compute nburn=1000, ndraws=10000
Initialize vectors for the first and second moments of the coefficients.
compute sumwt=0.0, sumwt2=0.0
compute [vect] b = %zeros(%nreg,1)
compute [symm] bxx = %zeros(%nreg,%nreg)
These are some declarations for VECTORs that are used in the analysis.
dec vect betau(%nreg) ygarch
Initialize counters for the number of jumps in the two part of the sampler. (BJUMPS for the regression coefficients and GJUMPS for the GARCH coefficients).
compute bjumps=0, gjumps=0
The draw loop includes an INFOBOX to keep track of the progress.
infobox(action=define,progress,lower=-nburn,upper=ndraws) $
"Random Walk Metropolis"
The pseudo-code for the sampling loop is the following:
do draw=-nburn,ndraws
...draw regression parameters given the current GARCH parameters using a fixed proposal distribution.
...draw GARCH parameters given the current regression parameters using a random walk proposal
...if the value of draws>0, update the first and second moment accumulators
end do draw
The three parts to this are shown in detail below.
Drawing Regression Parameters Given The Current GARCH Parameters
First, evaluate the log likelihood (into FX) at the current values for XBETA and XGARCH.
initial=xbeta~~xgarch) / ftbs
# constant ftbs3{1}
set u = %resids
compute fx = %logl
Next, draw a test vector (YBETA) for the regression block from the (fixed) proposal distribution. Fetch the log density at the draw (into GY). Recalculate the log likelihood (with the existing XGARCH, but YBETA replacing XBETA) (into FY)
compute ybeta=xbeta0+%ranmvnormal(fbeta)
compute gy=%ranlogkernel()
initial=ybeta~~xgarch) / ftbs3
# constant ftbs3{1}
compute fy = %logl
Finally, compute the jump alpha. If we need to move, reset XBETA and GX, and copy the residuals into the series U.
compute alpha=exp(fy-fx+gy-gx)
if %ranflip(alpha) {
compute bjumps = bjumps + 1
compute xbeta=ybeta, gx=gy
set u = %resids
Draw GARCH Parameters Given the Current Regression Parameters
Because we are taking the regression coefficients (that is, the mean model) as given, we can evaluate the GARCH model on the residuals only, using the NOMEAN option. First, evaluate the log likelihood of a GARCH model (into FX) on the residuals at the current settings for XGARCH.
initial=xgarch) / u
compute fx = %logl
Next, draw from the proposal distribution centered around XGARCH and evaluate the log likelihood into FY.
compute ygarch = xgarch + %ranmvnormal(fgarch)
initial=ygarch) / u
compute fy = %logl
Compute the jump alpha. (Because draws for the GARCH parameters can turn the model explosive, check for an invalid FY). If we need to move, save the YGARCH draw to XGARCH and update the jump counter.
compute alpha = %if(%valid(fy),exp(fy-fx),0.0)
if %ranflip(alpha) {
compute gjumps=gjumps+1
compute xgarch=ygarch
Update the accumulators for the moments
Glue the current values of the two blocks together into a single VECTOR and add the value and its %OUTERXX onto the running sums.
compute betau=xbeta~~xgarch
compute b=b+betau,bxx=bxx+%outerxx(betau)
After the Draw Loop
This first displays the percentage of jumps made by each of the block samplers. We would hope that the
disp "Percentage of jumps for mean parms" $
disp "Percentage of jumps for GARCH parms" $
Then transform the accumulated first and second moments into mean and variance, and display the means and standard deviations in a REPORT.
compute b=b/ndraws, bxx=bxx/ndraws-%outerxx(b)
report(atrow=1,atcol=1,fillby=cols) "a" "b" "gamma" "alpha" "beta"
report(atrow=1,atcol=2,fillby=cols) b
report(atrow=1,atcol=3,fillby=cols) %sqrt(%xdiag(bxx))
Full Program
open data haversample.rat
calendar(m) 1957
data(format=rats) 1957:1 2006:12 ftbs3
* Estimate a linear regression to get its residual variance for use as
* the pre-sample value.
linreg ftbs3
# constant ftbs3{1}
compute h0=%sigmasq
* Estimate a GARCH
garch(p=1,q=1,reg,presample=h0,hseries=h) / ftbs3
# constant ftbs3{1}
* Pull out the regression coefficients (1 and 2). This forms block one
* of the Metropolis/Gibbs. Get a decomp of its submatrix of the
* covariance matrix for use in the proposal density. Do a draw from this
* to initialize the Gibbs sampler and save the log kernel of the density
* at the draw.
compute xbeta0=%xsubvec(%beta,1,2)
compute fbeta =%decomp(%xsubmat(%xx,1,2,1,2))
compute xbeta =xbeta0+%ranmvnormal(fbeta)
compute gx =%ranlogkernel()
* Pull out the GARCH coefficients (3,4 and 5). This forms block two.
* Again, get the decomp of its covariance matrix. Because these are
* being done by Random Walk Metropolis, we don't need the proposal
* densities.
compute fgarch=%decomp(%xsubmat(%xx,3,5,3,5))
compute xgarch=%xsubvec(%beta,3,5)
compute nburn=1000,ndraws=10000
* Initialize vectors for the first and second moments of the coefficients
compute sumwt=0.0,sumwt2=0.0
compute [vect] b=%zeros(%nreg,1)
compute [symm] bxx=%zeros(%nreg,%nreg)
dec vect betau(%nreg) ygarch
* Counters for the number of jumps
compute bjumps=0,gjumps=0
infobox(action=define,progress,lower=-nburn,upper=ndraws) $
"Random Walk Metropolis"
do draw=-nburn,ndraws
* Drawing regression parameters. Evaluate the log likelihood (into
* FX) at the values for XBETA and XGARCH.
initial=xbeta~~xgarch) / ftbs3
# constant ftbs3{1}
set u = %resids
compute fx=%logl
* Draw a test vector from the (fixed) proposal distribution.
* Recalculate the log likelihood (into FY) and fetch the log density
* at the draw (into GY).
compute ybeta=xbeta0+%ranmvnormal(fbeta)
compute gy=%ranlogkernel()
garch(p=1,q=1,reg,method=eval,presample=h0,initial=ybeta~~xgarch) / ftbs3
# constant ftbs3{1}
compute fy=%logl
* Compute the jump alpha. If we need to move, reset xbeta and gx, and
* copy the residuals into u.
compute alpha=exp(fy-fx+gy-gx)
if %ranflip(alpha) {
compute bjumps=bjumps+1
compute xbeta=ybeta,gx=gy
set u = %resids
* Evaluate the log likelihood of a GARCH model (into FX) on the
* residuals at the current settings for XGARCH.
garch(p=1,q=1,nomean,method=eval,presample=h0,initial=xgarch) / u
compute fx=%logl
* Draw from the proposal distribution centered around XGARCH and
* evaluate the log likelihood into FY.
compute ygarch=xgarch+%ranmvnormal(fgarch)
garch(p=1,q=1,nomean,method=eval,presample=h0,initial=ygarch) / u
compute fy=%logl
* Compute the jump alpha. (Because draws for the GARCH parameters can
* turn the model explosive, check for an invalid FY).
compute alpha=%if(%valid(fy),exp(fy-fx),0.0)
if %ranflip(alpha) {
compute gjumps=gjumps+1
compute xgarch=ygarch
if draw<=0
* Update the accumulators if we're past the burn-in
compute betau=xbeta~~xgarch
compute b=b+betau,bxx=bxx+%outerxx(betau)
end do draw
disp "Percentage of jumps for mean parms" $
disp "Percentage of jumps for GARCH parms" $
* Transform the accumulated first and second moments into mean and variance
compute b=b/ndraws,bxx=bxx/ndraws-%outerxx(b)
report(atrow=1,atcol=1,fillby=cols) "a" "b" "gamma" "alpha" "beta"
report(atrow=1,atcol=2,fillby=cols) b
report(atrow=1,atcol=3,fillby=cols) %sqrt(%xdiag(bxx))
The final part of this depends upon random numbers, and so will not be exactly reproducible.
Linear Regression - Estimation by Least Squares
Dependent Variable FTBS3
Monthly Data From 1957:02 To 2006:12
Usable Observations 599
Degrees of Freedom 597
Centered R^2 0.9719842
R-Bar^2 0.9719373
Uncentered R^2 0.9941920
Mean of Dependent Variable 5.3828881469
Std Error of Dependent Variable 2.7551056598
Standard Error of Estimate 0.4615335100
Sum of Squared Residuals 127.16886894
Regression F(1,597) 20712.4001
Significance Level of F 0.0000000
Log Likelihood -385.7953
Durbin-Watson Statistic 1.3186
Variable Coeff Std Error T-Stat Signif
1. Constant 0.0816496008 0.0413816505 1.97309 0.04894649
2. FTBS3{1} 0.9853633822 0.0068466985 143.91803 0.00000000
GARCH Model - Estimation by BFGS
Convergence in 41 Iterations. Final criterion was 0.0000000 <= 0.0000100
Dependent Variable FTBS3
Monthly Data From 1957:02 To 2006:12
Usable Observations 599
Log Likelihood -61.3428
Variable Coeff Std Error T-Stat Signif
1. Constant 0.0631210293 0.0237229350 2.66076 0.00779646
2. FTBS3{1} 0.9900678792 0.0053806857 184.00404 0.00000000
3. C 0.0014556841 0.0005784613 2.51648 0.01185349
4. A 0.3065947388 0.0461751344 6.63982 0.00000000
5. B 0.7300827508 0.0325249623 22.44684 0.00000000
Percentage of jumps for mean parms 47.65930
Percentage of jumps for GARCH parms 47.83202
a 0.063282 0.013174
b 0.990070 0.002992
gamma 0.001803 0.000694
alpha 0.326477 0.051527
beta 0.715309 0.035293
Copyright © 2024 Thomas A. Doan