RATS 10.1
RATS 10.1

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@MVARCHTest is a procedure for testing a set of series for multivariate ARCH effects. The null is that the series are mean zero, not serially correlated and with a fixed covariance matrix. It performs an LM test by regressing the crossproducts of the series (that is u(i,t) x u(j,t) for all combinations of i and j) on a constant and its lag(s) and testing the coefficients on the lags. The number of degrees of freedom is

\({\left( {n(n + 1)/2} \right)^2}L\)

since it is including all crossproducts on all crossproducts. This test is described in Hacker & Hatemi-J(2005).


To use this for diagnostics from a GARCH model, the list of series need to be standardized to remove the estimated GARCH variances.


@MVARCHTest( options ) start end

# list of series


start end

range to use. By default, the common range of list of series


LAGS=number of ARCH lags to test [1]

This generally should be a relatively small number (no more than 5)—it's unlikely for a relationship to only be apparent when longer lags are used.



TITLE="title of report" ["Multivariate ARCH Test"]

Variables Defined


test statistic (REAL)


significance level treating statistic as chi-squared (REAL)


degrees of freedom of test (INTEGER)


This is taken from the VECMGARCH.RPF example. The first @MVARCHTest is done using the residuals from a standard VECM (Vector Error Correction Model). The second is done using jointly standardized residuals from a GARCH estimation. The joint standardization is needed to take out the "GARCH" effects to see if there is any remaining effect not explained by the GARCH model.


variables logdjia logrut

lags 1 to nlags

det constant

ect ecteq






# vecmresids






# stdu



This is the output from the two tests. There are 45 degrees of freedom (5 lags × 3 × 3 for all combinations of cross products on cross products). The first test is strongly significant, the second (the post-GARCH diagnostic) is not.


Multivariate ARCH Test

Statistic Degrees Signif

   459.73      45 0.00000


Multivariate ARCH Test

Statistic Degrees Signif

    46.50      45 0.41044


Copyright © 2024 Thomas A. Doan