RATS 10.1
RATS 10.1

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Report Windows

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A Report Window is like a read-only spreadsheet. The descriptive text and values are arranged in columns, with longer strings covering (“spanning”) several columns. Output from RATS will either be in the form of Report Windows or text in the Output Window, and sometimes both. You can copy information out of a Report Window and paste it into a spreadsheet or word processing program.

Window—Restore Report

Output from many RATS instructions (for instance, the regression output from LINREG) is inserted into the Output Window, and is also saved in Report form. However, to avoid clogging the screen, the Report isn't shown automatically—if you want the information as a Report Window, you can use the Window—Restore Report menu operation which holds a list of the most recent saved reports.

Change Layout

You can adjust the appearance, but can’t change the values themselves. Some (in this case most) of the values shown in a report are available at a higher precision than you see in the table. On the other hand, they will often show far more decimal places that you would likely use in any document that you would be preparing. To change the appearance of values, use the View—Change Layout menu operation (or the  toolbar or the Reformat operation on the contextual menu). This will bring up (something like) the following dialog box:



If you set the Decimal Width box, the values will be formatted to that number of digits right of the decimal, with however many are needed to the left of it. If you set the Number Width box, a common format will be chosen that displays all the values within that number of characters. (If you set both, the decimal width choice determines the representation).

Copying To Other Applications

If you select information out of this and copy it (which you can do many ways: the keystroke <Ctrl>+C, Edit—Copy menu,   toolbar icon, and Copy contextual menu), and then paste into a word processor, you will get the information that is shown on the screen, with the number of digits shown. If your target application is a spreadsheet, you may need to choose Paste Special in the target in order to control what comes through. (RATS copies report information in many different formats). The DIF, CSV and XML spreadsheet formats will paste numbers at full (up to fifteen digit) precision. On the other hand, if you paste as (Unformatted) Text, you will get only the number of digits shown on the screen in RATS, so if you adjust this using Change Layout, you will get what you see. Note that RATS only copies “content”, not column widths and cell formats, so you can reformat the cells in your spreadsheet to show them the way that you want.

Copying to TeX

If you want to paste into a TeX document (as a table), you need to use the menu operation Edit—Copy as TeX (or  toolbar or Copy->TeX contextual menu operation). When you do that, RATS puts into the clipboard a TeX tabular environment for displaying the table, with the numbers as shown on the screen, so do the Change Layout first to get the representation you want. See the description of FORMAT=TEX.

Exporting to a File

Select the cells that you want to save and use File—Export (or File—Save As, or the  toolbar icon or the Export contextual menu). You have the choice of quite a few formats, most of which are also among the formats that RATS “copies” when you do a Copy operation. The format here that is most likely to be useful is TeX, since you can use an \include directive in your TeX document. By using that, rather than copy and paste, you can quickly replace the table if you need to re-generate the report.

Saving for Later Recall

RATS has its own format (extension RRFZ, where Z is for "zip") which saves all the information that RATS uses for displaying the report (contents and formatting). Use File—Save to save the file, and File—Open to open it later. The re-opened file can have its format adjusted using Edit—Change Layout as needed and then the contents exported or copied and pasted as described above. (Or you can simply view the old results).


Toolbar Icons


Shortcut for File—Save As.... which for a Report Window is the same as File—Export. See the description above.


Shortcut for File—Print. Prints the window. If you have selected some of the cells, you'll have the option to print only the selected cells.

 (Select All)

Shortcut for Edit—Select All.


Shortcut for Edit—Copy. See the description above.

 (Copy as TeX)

Shortcut for Edit—Copy as TeX. See the description above.


Shortcut for File—Export. See the description above.

 (Change Layout)

Shortcut for View—Change Layout.


Copyright © 2024 Thomas A. Doan